I've been dealing with a couple that is going through a really hard time right now. The husband is cheating on the wife and lies about it constantly. It's been going on for quite some time and the wife knows about it, but anytime he is confronted he lies and says he's not, even though he is being caught in his lies over and over. It is a very toxic relationship and it is not getting any better. Neither of them want to get divorced and I don't think they should either. But the only way they are going to make it is if the husband admits to his affair. Everyone who knows about this affair knows he's lying, so I don't know why he keeps lying about it, we all know better and don't believe a word he says! I guess denial makes him think he's doing nothing wrong. In his mind if he lies then it's not really happening. He's addicted to this lifestyle. He has sex at night and the weekends with one woman, and has dinner ready and bills paid by another. Why would he want to give that up?
My advice to anyone going through this, if you're the husband that is cheating, talk to your wife about it, try and make things right, if you are willing to change she will do everything in her power to help you through it. Prove to her that you do love her, end this other relationship, and tell her every time you feel like cheating before it happens, tell her what you need from her. If she doesn't help you, then it's not a good marriage anyway and you should leave. But DO NOT string her along! If you are the wife being cheated on, be understanding and talk to your husband. Ask him what you can do to help him, be there for him as a shoulder to cry on, understand his addiction.
This is to both of you.....FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE! Get it all out, yell if you have to, get over it and start to be kind to each other, give each other a kiss even if you don't feel like it, say "I LOVE YOU" all the time even if you don't like each other at that moment.
That is all.