Monday, April 13, 2015

Lying to your spouse will make your marriage toxic

I've been dealing with a couple that is going through a really hard time right now. The husband is cheating on the wife and lies about it constantly. It's been going on for quite some time and the wife knows about it, but anytime he is confronted he lies and says he's not, even though he is being caught in his lies over and over. It is a very toxic relationship and it is not getting any better. Neither of them want to get divorced and I don't think they should either. But the only way they are going to make it is if the husband admits to his affair. Everyone who knows about this affair knows he's lying, so I don't know why he keeps lying about it, we all know better and don't believe a word he says! I guess denial makes him think he's doing nothing wrong. In his mind if he lies then it's not really happening. He's addicted to this lifestyle. He has sex at night and the weekends with one woman, and has dinner ready and bills paid by another. Why would he want to give that up? 

My advice to anyone going through this, if you're the husband that is cheating, talk to your wife about it, try and make things right, if you are willing to change she will do everything in her power to help you through it. Prove to her that you do love her, end this other relationship, and tell her every time you feel like cheating before it happens, tell her what you need from her. If she doesn't help you, then it's not a good marriage anyway and you should leave. But DO NOT string her along! If you are the wife being cheated on, be understanding and talk to your husband. Ask him what you can do to help him, be there for him as a shoulder to cry on, understand his addiction. 

This is to both of you.....FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE! Get it all out, yell if you have to, get over it and start to be kind to each other, give each other a kiss even if you don't feel like it, say "I LOVE YOU" all the time even if you don't like each other at that moment. 

That is all. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How can you not believe there is a God?

I see atheists all around me, some are friends, some are family, some I don't know. I don't understand how if you are told the Truth of the Word but you still don't believe. God is all around us. He created us. He loves us. If there's a chance you can have eternal life, wouldn't you want to take that chance? I don't want die and that be it for me. I want to live forever, free from pain and sin! A world made for us as our reward for believing in our Savior. Jesus died for us to free us from this sinful world. All we have to do is believe in that, isn't that easy? I could never turn away from God now that I have learned this truth. I want to meet Joshua, our stillborn son! All of our unborn children are waiting in Heaven for us, and I don't want to risk never meeting them. Maybe that's why God let miscarriage happen to me. I want to meet them someday in Heaven, so I will never turn away from the Truth because of that. God secured my place in Heaven that day. I am so thankful! Yes, I was angry with God, but I never lost my faith in Him. I will have such a big family in Heaven, thank you God for taking care of my babies until the day I can get there! God also blessed me with 2 earthly children that I could raise with my husband. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Remember that when you are having a hard time. Everything that happens is for a reason, even if we don't know what it is. Took me 12 years to figure out the reason for losing my babies to miscarriage. One day it will just hit you. 

How can you not see God in everything? Sunsets, seasons, babies forming in the womb, the miracle of birth, animals, surviving car accidents, heart beats, your mind and your soul. It's a no brainer when you look at the world around you!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Being healthy

God wants us to live healthy lives. He wants us to eat the foods He created for us. He gave us animals, vegetables, fruit, grains, etc. He does not want us to eat whatever we crave, stuff that makes us feel good, comfort food. We need to glorify God even with what we consume. He made us in His image, and we are destroying that by eating fast food and soda and all that unhealthy junk out there. 

I've been dealing with health issues, not really sure what is going on, but I get nausea, light-headedness, and stomach problems in general. I've been doing a lot of research lately and the doctors have been testing, but nothing seems to stand out as to what is going on. I have since quit drinking soda and trying to stay away from aspartame, I've been shopping for whole foods like veggies and meats, trying to stay away from boxed foods, and I've been exercising. I also have recently learned that what you eat can alter how you feel. FOOD IS MEDICINE people! You can heal many ailments by what you put in your mouth! And it doesn't have to be pills! 

I am still learning and still failing at times, but my attitude is changing toward food. I'm tired of feeling sick, I want more energy, I want to be able to travel and do all the things I love! I can only do that if I start eating to live instead of living to eat. This is my favorite quote as of late "No food tastes as good as healthy feels." It's true! 

I began a journey this month, and every day is a struggle, but I vow to continue on this journey until I feel better and learn how to eat right and hopefully lose some weight in the process! Time to glorify God with my body!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Appreciate your loved ones

Nothing makes you appreciate your loved ones more than when you are scared you'll lose them! My husband was in a car accident last week. He swerved to avoid hitting a car and ended up hitting a tree in a ditch. I was wondering why it was taking so long for him to get home from work and he was 30 minute late by the time someone called me. It is so terrifying to get a call from a nurse saying your husband is at the hospital because he was in a car accident. They don't tell you much over the phone! The only thing she told me was he's fine, but his neck hurts. It doesn't really help much with my anxiety until I see him with my own eyes! He ended up being fine, but it could have been a lot worse. He could have hit the other car head on, he could have hit a light pole he missed by inches, or the guard rail that was on the other side. God was definitely with him that afternoon, he only had a small bruise on his knee and he now has back pain, but it's way better than anything else that could have happened! I am so thankful he's okay and I got a reminder to appreciate him more, just like my last post, you never know when you will see someone for the last time.

Here is the "green machine" all banged up:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today my 65 year old Aunt will be buried

I hate losing loved ones, especially suddenly. This is the second time I'm losing an aunt in her 60's. My dad's sister had cancer and passed away pretty quickly. This time, it's my dad's sister-in-law, she had a lung disease that they only found out recently she had, and there's nothing they could have done to stop it anyway. She got real bad, real fast. My Uncle had to make a decision to pull her off life support. It all happened so quick that it was so hard to make that decision, but her lungs were beyond repair and she would need a machine breathing for her the rest of her life, and her brain was not getting enough oxygen, so she probably would have been in a vegetative state. It's so sad. 

I just saw her in July, Dave and I were having a date night, and we ran into my uncle and aunt at the restaurant, it's a nice memory I have of her. You never think one time will be the last time you see someone. 

Hug your loved ones often, tell them you care, be there for them when they need someone.